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The Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) is pleased to announce that it has named Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) President and CEO, Göran Marby, as an honorary UASG Ambassador. In this role, Marby will help amplify the importance of UA work to enable a multilingual Internet.


The UASG is an Internet community initiative that focuses on facilitating the Universal Acceptance (UA) of all valid domain names and email addresses. The volunteer group is made up of more than 500 individuals representing multiple organizations, businesses, and the ICANN community. The UASG is supported and funded by ICANN.
「馬躍然為國際化域名和普遍適用性做出了突出的專業和個人貢獻,加上他在ICANN的職位以及在技術和政府部門的經驗,使他成為了UA的重要資源和發言人。」UASG主席Ajay Data博士說,「他對IDN和UA的影響和承諾將有助於UASG努力促進UA的準備工作達到一個新的高度。」

“Göran’s professional and personal commitment to Internationalized Domain Names and Universal Acceptance, coupled with his position at ICANN and experience in the tech and governmental sectors, make him a tremendous resource and spokesperson for UA,” said UASG Chair, Dr. Ajay Data. “His influence and commitment to IDNs and UA will help take the UASG’s efforts of promoting UA-readiness to the next level.”

Marby’s appointment is part of the UASG’s strategic focus to provide UA solutions and increase UA-readiness around the world by engaging with leading global stakeholders. These stakeholders include government leaders, top technology companies, and international organizations such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), United Nations, and other industry organizations.

“It is a privilege to be named an honorary UA Ambassador by the UASG,” said Marby. “IDNs and UA are key to supporting a more multilingual and accessible Internet, and I look forward to amplifying the message of UA adoption to help make UA a reality.”Marby also noted that UA is included in ICANN’s strategic plan and his goals as CEO of ICANN.
UA是多語言互聯網的基石,它的目的是確保所有的域名和電子郵件地址——任何語言、腳本或字符長度(例如.рф, .photography)——都能被所有支持互聯網的應用程序、設備和系統平等接受,實現UA可以確保每個人都有能力使用他們選擇的與他們的興趣、業務、文化、語言和字體最一致的域名和電子郵件地址,以便於在互聯網上導航和交流。

UA is cornerstone to a multilingual Internet by ensuring all domain names and email addresses – in any language, script, or character length (e.g., .рф, .photography) – are accepted equally by all Internet-enabled applications, devices, and systems. Achieving UA ensures every person has the ability to navigate and communicate on the Internet using their chosen domain name and email address that best aligns with their interests, business, culture, language, and script.


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